U.S elections:Germany and Israel pressuring U.S.

Two imponderables disorient U.S. policy.

The first is the Middle East.

The issue of Syria, although caused by the U.S., in no case can lead to predictable situations (there are many countries involved, with different kinds of governments, religions, sects and cultures).

That is why the U.S. uses the Taliban as allies in the struggle against Assad, as a last resort to overthrow him.

Those Taliban blamed for the attack 11th of September , for the bombings in Sudan , Lebanon , Spain , the United Kingdom and , generally and indefinite, everywhere in the world.

After a decade of demonization of the Taliban, and after they were built and used against the Soviets in Afghanistan, use them again.

A fall of Assad is a double-edged sword for U.S. security.

A stay of Assad, as an absolute dominant in Syria would be more disastrous for the U.S..

We believe that the U.S. plan is to weaken completely the power of  Assad (as was done by Saddam Hussein after the first Gulf War) and in a few years to completely exterminate him.

The issue of Iran poses no threat to U.S. policy.

Iran, however, is the dominant threat to Israel.

The U.S. is experiencing a problem with the attitude of Israel towards Iran.

The U.S. is not able to control Israel and for this reason many times necessarily follow the policies of Israel.

An engagement with Iran, Israel will turn into a nightmare in the Middle East, the Mediterranean and the Sea of ​​China for the U.S. Army.

The chain reaction will open so many fronts, that in no case will be managed by the political and diplomatic machinery of the United States.

The second imponderable factor that troubles the U.S. is the economic crisis affecting mainly Europe (and if it encounters the food crisis will have immediate collapse of everything).

An uncontrolled financial disaster in the EU will forcibly dragged into chaos the U.S..

In the EU however in charge is Germany.

Germany never accepted the economic dominance of the U.S. (not even the period from 10/07/1949 to 03/10/1990).

The economic plans for the domination of Germany do not comply in any way with those of the U.S..

The Germans, with a centrally controlled industry, they are trying to enforce global  countervailing force  as the U.S. and China.

Their disadvantage is that they have no army.

But they have an incredible manufacturing line weapons systems and technology that allows them be considered as immune.

The economic crisis created in the U.S. in 2007 (mortgage-banking) was pushed violently to Europe.

The Germans seized the opportunity and, having misled their partners (saying that we have to deal with the debt crisis) became masters of the EU (even scoring a deterioration of the financial position of France by U.S. rating agencies).

Germany saying that the debt crisis is in Greece  (in no case) managed to lead the markets against  Spain and Italy after being razed Ireland and Portugal.

The ultimate goal of Germany is the final victory over France (which has succeeded thanks to the compliant and will-less Sarkozy  and  ”colorless” Hollande ).

The problem of the U.S. is to avoid in any case the Greek collapse  AND  do not Israel  attack  in Iran … ,at least before the U.S. elections on November 6  2012.

Two “friendly” countries (Germany-Israel) extorted the … superpower.

This weakness of the U.S. trying to cover their secret services, which have defined and analyzed all the possible parameters.

A very likely scenario is: If there is a problem, either in Greece or Iran-Syria before 06/11/2012, then it is very likely not even make the U.S. elections.

Under the pretext of disturbing world peace or world economic collapse or the threat against the existence of the U.S., Obama will use emergency powers he has from the U.S. Constitution and declare the U.S. and all regions of the world that has bases in a war situation.

The U.S. army will come out in the streets even in the American cities.

Will suspended all civil liberties and  “finally” have complete the project of the CIA and the Pentagon for uninterrupted, “free” action EVERYWHERE.

So we have a paradox:

Citizens of the U.S. are in danger AND from their allies AND from their own secret services…

Along with the U.S.  at risk are citizens  around the world.

The next 70 days will be the most critical mankind  lived from the time of the Cuban crisis.

Whatever will happens,  humanity will be completely different, the following winter.

Unfortunately, as ordinary citizens, we can not react to the threat we face.

Be prepared because hard times ARE HERE.

The Middle Ages returns.


10 facts – 4 Scenarios for the End .

Fact  1 :

Spain needs 100 billion, in a first step, for the needs of banks.

Eurozone crisis live: Spain set to request banking bailout on Saturday

Spain's prime minister Mariano Rajoy (left) chats with the treasury minister, Cristobal Montoro

Fact  2 :

These funds can not Spain  find them from the market.

Fact  3 :

If Spain request funds from the EU, Germany will ask Spain’s accession to surveillance.

Start the engines, Angela

Fact  4 :

Spain is not going to sign pact austerity because the Spaniards will revolt.

Fact  5 :

If Europe say that Spain –for any kind of reasons– is a different case from Greece, Portugal, Ireland and provide liquidity without the same kind of Memorandum with the rest of the counties that are already under surveillance  then Spain solves its problem and EZ gains a big , unsolvable problem. 

Fact 6 

If Spain does not placed in a memorandum (guardianship) will claim the same and Ireland and Greece and Portugal.

Fact 7 :

This will not be accepted by the countries of the EZ. Countries that are in surveillance will put VETO (A sure winner of the elections in Greece, Tsipras(SYRIZA), will ask after his victory, the same deal with Spain.The Irish, who have the same problem with the Spaniards will react violently.Markets will  frighten and will attack hard in Spain, what a surprise …  after the flatten Spain they will bankrupt AND Italy).

Fact  8 :

The EZ is collapsing – dissolves and with that goes  AND  the global financial system.

Fact  9 :

The U.S.A. , China, Russia and Japan closing their markets and trying in any way they can to protect their citizens from absolute destitution.

Fact  10 :

Because today the economy is global , no one can protect , in any way, their national economy. All national economies are collapsing.


After the events begin the scenarios!


Scenario 1

Obama postpone the elections in the U.S.A. , in response to national security. To persuade people to accept it, the American fleet blocks the ports of Shanghai, Hong Kong and the Russian ports of the Pacific and the North Sea. The Chinese and Russians react … and … we have nuclear war.

Pentagon Prepares for Confrontation in the Asia-Pacific

Click to visit the original post

Scenario 2 :

Russia, China and the U.S.A. are afraid of each other and try to control their populations. Cease all contact with each other. Nobody makes the first step (cold war situation). The countries entrench their borders. A new middle age begins.

Scenario 3 :

Small local wars break out (Greece – Turkey, Israel – Syria, Albania – Serbia, India – Pakistan, Somalia – Ethiopia, Venezuela – Colombia, England – Argentina, the former Soviet republics among them). Alliances developed and  the war is generalized . All against all.

Scenario 4 :

Poverty, lack of food and drugs lead to internal riots and revolutions in all nations. All democracies collapsed and dictators – gangsters take the power of nation states. To unite their citizens strengthening the nationalism and starting wars with neighboring states.


-Some people will turn to the help of god.

-Some people will join robber gangs.

-Some people will create autonomous communities.


All of these seem far away ?

I fear that the journey is SHORT  (perhaps before the end of the summer) and one way.


If it is to get in such situations it is advisable to know who drove us up there.

We came up here because of the human thirst for distinction and power.

We came here as a result of brutal capitalism.

We got here as a result of the bankers and their greed.



Greece is to blame for the Spanish crisis???


I read that in Spain they believe that Greece is responsible for all the suffering.

You haven’t understood anything!

-Spain hasn’t changed the government and placed Rachoi as prime minister, to solve the “problems” of the country?

-Spain has not been in surplus before the crisis ?

-Spain wasn’t that had less debt than Germany ?

-Spain hasn’t global economic presence (Zara, Seat etc) ?

Have you forgotten your gambling banks.

-These don’t lent huge sums without any real guarantees ?

-These didn’t nourished the housing bubble ?

-The banks didn’t pass their losses on the Spanish government ?

And what  the EU  did ?

Lent to banks with 1% interest rate.

Banks lend the Spanish state with 6.5%.

The money borrowed by the Spanish State is given to its banks in order to make the recapitalization.

And to be able to borrow Spain in favor of banks that’s why they imposed harsh austerity to the people.

You are asked to adopt the famous “minijobs”. Are Germany’s ”Minijobs” a poverty trap? 

For the evils of Spain are responsible Germany, EU and banks !

Some Greeks blame immigrants for the crisis in Greece.

Some Spanish blame the Greeks for the crisis in Spain.

Some Germans and French blame for the crisis the Greeks and the Spanish.

( Can you see now how easily we find – create enemies ? )

They say that the programs have failed because of social upheavals.

Nobody has not understood that the austerity programs have brought social unrest ?

>>>>Only if we understand the real enemy will be able to breathe.<<<<

I call on you to a coordinated uprising against the banks.

Not to be paid and damages and profits of banksters.

Do not work for the welfare of the rich.

First you need to occupy your mind.

And then occupy the banks. 




Greece:”Thunderstorm is coming.Thunders are pretty intence.”

What you hear on TV and you read in newspapers , sites and blogs , is a sample of what really happens in Greece.

The Greek daily suicide (two today), prisons do not have food for the prisoners, there are no drugs, retailers closing, the money is gone, the people terrorized by the disasterscenarios,  the Germans, French, Dutch and Lagarde are blackmailing the Greeks.

I do not want to give you the ugliness of the situation unfolding in Greece.

But I want to talk about the dignity that is lost.

Hollande said he respects the Greeks, if they respect the agreements signed.

The agreements were not signed by the Greeks.

The agreements were imposed to the Greeks.

The bullying they received are unprecedented.

The Lagarde recently said to Guardian:

”[…]she assailed Greeks for not paying enough taxes and said she was more worried about the fate of poor countries in Africa. The comments did little to win her or the IMF popularity among Greeks and may even influence how some decide to vote.”

The same is said by all the institutions of the European Union.

Van Rompuy said :

“Greece must remain in the euro area while respecting its commitments. We expect that after the elections, the next Greek government will make that choice,” the European Council president told Cypriot parliamentarians. “The stakes are high – for you as neighbors with close links to its financial system, but also for all of us in the euro zone.”

Even former Prime Minister of Greece leads the European Commission President Barroso :

“Look,” he said, “if a member of a club does not respect the rules, it’s better that it leaves the club, and this is true for any organization or institution or any project.”

Even though he did not name the country, his comments were taken as referring to Greece and made it look as if a Greek exit from the euro was drawing closer. Financial markets were thrown into panic, Greeks were outraged and Barroso was criticized.

But what was particularly galling about the incident for Barroso was that he had never intended to make such a strong statement. He did so only because he got a call from Greece’s caretaker prime minister, Lucas Papademos, asking him to do so, a Commission official said.

Frustrated at the failing efforts to form a coalition after the May 6 election, Papademos wanted Barroso to say something strong in the hope it might wake Greece’s political leaders up.

“It wasn’t Barroso’s initiative. It was a direct request,” said the Commission official informed of the sequence of events, adding with a degree of understatement: “It didn’t work.”

As New York Times wrote : ”Most aid to Athens circles back to Europe.”

Do not forget that : ”Greeks work much longer hours than Germans.”

After all that I believe that the Greek vote in the elections of June is going to be  a big surprise.

One such surprise will destroy Greece, will create chaos in Europe and will irreparablyharm the global economy.

It does not matter who will form government.

The Greeks would rise up because they are not going to be able to pay taxes.

The Greeks would rise up because they are not going to be able to sustain their families.

The Greeks would rise up because  there will be NO health care.

The Greeks would rise up because  it was an attack to their dignity.

The Greeks would rise up like you would if all these were taking place in your country.

Do you expect to happen differently ?

As Cyberella wrote :

”Thunderstorm is coming.Thunders are pretty intence.”





A bomb in the foundations of capitalism.

Today the biggest problem in Greece is the lack of dignity.

When Greece and other European countries created the EU, were aimed at the improvement of living conditions and creation of an economic zone that would ensure prosperity.

Very quickly, the sneaky role of Germany, created a two-speed Europe: the export -surplus North  and deficit – non-competitive South.

With the economic crisis of 2008, weaknesses in the European system became apparent.

Greece has needed financial help. The wealth of the country was transferred to Germany, Switzerland and London. The wealthy Greeks transferred their deposits abroad and their companies in the Balkans.

The rest received a savage attack on their income (reductions salary – pensions and overtaxation ).

From 2009 to today closed more than 450,000 businesses.

Unemployment from 9% jumped to 25%.

Suicides for economic reasons  surpassed 3,000.

From 2009 until today 3 words chasing Greece:




These three concepts surrounding the EU’s solidarity towards Greece. (Europe’s Economic Suicide)

“We will help you, but you will deny any sense of dignity.”

But if we could stick into what we were imposed by force by the EU there would be no need for the approval of our stay in the euro.

The EU calls on Greece to complete submission of the plans adopted in Berlin byMerkel’s advisors (even the minister of Greece was set by the German Chancellor).

With threats and blackmails are trying to impose the “salvation” of the country.

Intervene crudely in the internal affairs of Greece and indicate its attitude toward the Greek government to Greek citizens.

Achieved reductions in health and education thereby weakening the welfare state.

Under the pretext of granting loans and liquidity constantly seeking new cuts.

All loans are given to Greece going  for the repayment of old debt and the banks.

Greek banks took from 2008 until today more than 200 billion euros as an aid to avoid collapse. The reciprocity of them to the Greek economy was zero. No new loans were approved by the banks.

The market is in a suffocation.

With the money they took and  get, banks, covering the openings of previous years. In the real economy does not enter a single penny.

As for the repayment of old debts , all the money coming from the ECB , goes back to ECB. Greece continues to pay only interest.  (The austerity death cycle)

Greece’s budget for 2012 says:

INCOME: 59,184 billion

SALARY: 13,944 billion

PENSIONS: 6.577 billion

OTHER EXPENSES: 39,286 billion.

SO the primary deficit of Greece for 2012 is 613 million euros.

This breaks the myth that Greeks can not sustain their state.

The Greeks CAN afford to pay their own needs.

The problem is located to the interest on loans.

The interest for 2012 amount to € 12,750 billion.

The EU gives money to Greece for the payment of interest and to recapitalize banks.

Under international law, when a state can not provide satisfactory living conditions for his people, has the right to stop paying their creditors, until  create the right conditions.

The Greek debt was created, in large part, because of defense spending (7dis euros this year, 4% of Gross National Product).

If the last 20 years, military spending in Greece accounted for 1.7% of Gross National Product, as is the EU average, it would save a total of 52% of Gross National Product and will not go bankrupt.

Germany, France, France and the U.S. are the ones who sold weapons to Greece …

They are the ones who seek today tidying up of the Greek economy.They are the ones asking cuts in health , education , wages , pensions and development projects.

Even today, however, they do not require reduction of defense spending.

In the 80’s and 90’s  Greece borrowed at interest rates approaching 20%.

These loans  are called  upon to pay  today Greeks.

The policies of the parties that ruled until today, are condemned by the Greek people.

PASOK took in the elections of 2009 rate  44%.

PASOK took in the elections of 2012  rate 13%.

The ND got in the elections of 2009 rate 33.5%

The ND got in the elections of 2012 rate 19%.

SYRIZA got in the elections of 2009 rate of 4.5%.

SYRIZA got in the elections of 2012 rate 17%.

A new force emerged in the Greek political scene, SYRIZA.

In elections on June 17 everything indicates that SYRIZA will exceed 30% of the votes.

There’s a possibility to form  self-government.

SYRIZA expresses the protest of the Greeks.

Greeks are asking to change or repeal the memorandum between Greece and the Troika.

In Greece, most people understand that played bad games in our back.

Greeks are ready to sacrifice themselves in order to recover their stolen dignity.

So far  I have captured events as they are.

Now I will tell you how I see the developments from now on.

A Friday evening  Greece will be forced to leave the euro.

Chaos, riots and looting would occur in the country for several days.

The army will come out on the streets and with the help of the police will try to imposeorder.

The neo-Nazis at the beginning , will indiscriminately kill immigrants and then anyone found in their way.

Gangs will plunder the country.

The UN will be forced to send troops to maintain order.

Global markets will react worse than the Greeks.

The euro – dollar will fall to one U.S. dollars to 0.80 euro. Citi sees 3 Grexit scenarios with 3 EUP/USD rates

The other States – members of Eurozone will ask for rampant money creation by the ECB.

The Germans, having no other choice, they will accept. It is, however, late.

All European banks will close as all Europeans will want to pick up their deposits.

The U.S. will sever all links of the dollar with the euro.

The rest of the  states would do the same.

The world’s stock markets will collapse.

Dictatorships will appear in many countries.

The world will should be built again from scratch.

As  Mike Whitney wrote at the blog of piazzadcara.wordpress.com:

Of course, it all could go smoothly “without a hitch”; no credit crunch, no bank runs, no flight to safety, no crashing stock markets, no decades of struggle and social unrest, no splitting up of the eurozone, no ethnic animosities, no uber-nationalism, no right wing fanaticism, no border skirmishes or armed hostilities, no revolutions, no depression, no rise of fascism…just a smooth transition to a new, slimmed-down version of the EZ. After all, that’s what Germany is expecting. And they could be right.

But, probably not.”

The whole world needs to understand that the game that started the bankers and predatory global financial system , will not end as planned.

They used Argentina, Mexico and other countries as laboratory animals.

But made the mistake of hitting a Eurozone country.

This will cause the extinction of the euro.

The dissolution of the euro will cause the destruction of the world’s money.

The attack in Greece as only result would have the destruction of the global financial system.

Greece has placed a bomb in each stock market of the world.

Greece has placed a bomb in every capital of the world.

Greece has placed a bomb in the foundations of the capitalist system.


(This bomb is the protection of Greece)

From Greece Democracy began  and in Greece will end  …





Why Germany must leave the euro…

On the occasion of tomorrow’s insert of the German magazine Der Spiegel titled “AKROPOLIS ADIEU!”  I want to say:

The relationship between Greece and the EU is a relationship of partnership.

The states make up the EU are equal, independent and prevailing.

The common currency belongs equally among all the people of the EU.

The euro is NOT the currency of the banks but the people.

Capital have not  homeland.

The policy of Germany is to save the banks and to condemn the Greeks , Portuguese , Irish , French , European citizens.

Placed a banker as prime minister of Greece and Italy.

Pressing to form government in Greece, without respecting the will of the Greek people.

With what  legitimacy a party will participate in all party government when the voters of that party gave another command ?

Would Merkel govern Germany in cooperation with the Communist Party of Germany ?


When Germany was unified, the mark rate of the western to the eastern mark was set arbitrarily at 1:1.

In fact the value of the eastern mark was ten times less (the economy is psychology).

The revival of the Fourth Reich , that they are dreaming of , it will come up side down.

The banks control everything. Do they believe that  will prevail a state to the capitalists  ?

They will become pions of copitalists.

And do not forget:

The people using the Reichstag as a parliament , even today , is characterized by the building its self and the weight of  its  history (TWO WORLD WARS!!!)



G  E  R  M  A  N  Y

O  U  T

O  F

T  H  E

E  U  R  O  Z  O  N  E




The Greek elections created the perfect storm.

Since the founding of the Greek state was ruled by politicians who were directly dependent on factors outside of Greece.

The first  Greek parties were pro-English, pro-French and pro-Russian.

It was the Greek politicians that called foreign politicians to determine the fate of Greece.

The same continues today.

The seven-year premiership (1996-2004) of Simitis tied Greece  to the chariot of Germany.

The German governments took advantage of this privileged relationship and promote the products of German industry in Greece.

Siemens was selling its products in Greece five times more than the price sold in other markets.

The Thyssenkrupp sold at three times the price in Greece drooping submarines.

The German governments and business drained and corrupted all the Greek political leadership.

The bribes and direct assignments was the usual practice.

Corruption in Greece in recent years has two names:

-Greek politicians

-German governments and businesses.

Once the Germans completely eroded Greece, demanded, the stolen , to be paid by Greek citizens.

The first and second memorandum, imposed salary reductions over 40%, increased unemployment over 25%, plunged the country into recession. The living standards of Greek plummeted. One brutal measure succeeds another.

Under these conditions, the Greeks were invited to vote.

(Photo: Victory of Samothrace. Louvre.)

The outcome of the vote is in direct response  , of the Greek people , against the German government and the EU:

-No to continuing of the same situation

-Protest and anger

-Disappearance of the dominant government  formation (PASOK) from the politics of Greece (took 13% while two and a half years ago had more than 43%).

-Rise of the left (SYRIZA) from 4.5% before two and a half years to 16.8%.

Do not form government (at least for now)


The Greek voters were bombarded the last years by many dilemmas:

-Euro or not ?

-Salvation or not ?

-Austerity measures or not ?

-Europe or destruction ?

With elections Greeks reverse the situation so far. They do not accept any kind of  blackmail and convey the dilemma to political parties , EU and Germany.


The dilemmas are now transferred to the real controllers:

-Can the Greek governments to decide without the people?

-Is it allowed to cut salaries and pensions and at the same time be given away 250 billion to banks?

-Can the German speak for Greek corruption when German is the one that creates it  ? ? ?

-Can the EU ,the ECB and the IMF to decide for the paradigmatic punishment of the Greeks ?

-Could there be EU once a Member – State separates ? (others will follow at least five)

-Can the bankers decide instead of people ?

-Can Europe become dominated by Germany ?

The Greeks wisely decided not to accept any government.

They decided to blackmail, as being blackmailed for two centuries.

They decided to change the terms of the game.

They decided it is time the EU and Germany to reveal their real intentions.

-They decided to expose the hypocrisy.

-They decided to play a leading role in developments in the European Union.

-Decided to no longer be extras.

Germans and bankers played with fire!

Are they ready to be burned ?





Put the title yourself …

After endless wars and two world wars Europe has decided to unify sometime.

Britain, France and Germany took the initiative to reconcile their people.

In this effort, joined and the rest of European countries.

Created the European Economic Community, which later evolved into the European Union.

A key feature of the union of European countries was the right of VETO. What bothered a country would not be accepted by anyone in the league.

Germany seemed a pioneer in this effort. France followed. The British separated the position (attitude that keeps up to date).

This union of countries existed for years what most progressive and promising for the peoples of Europe.

All peoples accept the union and prospects except UK.

The first clouds appeared on introduction of the euro as a common currency.

Different countries, different economies, had a common currency.

At first everyone benefited from the experiment of the euro.

There were crazy growth and welfare across the Union.

By the time some (Soros-markets) made their attack. Struck the UK, but in fact revealed the weaknesses of the Union. Productive and unproductive countries using the euro in different ways. Others to put a solid foundation for the future and others to reach the welfare of other nations.

The northern countries had all conditions to develop their industry and exports. They kept the fees stable and deficits under control.

But it was not the same in southern countries. They felt the experiment of the euro as an opportunity to equalize the standard of living of their peoples to that of  Nordic countries.

So we have two groups of countries:

-the one that continues to develop solid foundations AND

-the other that are struggling to reach the levels of rich countries.


In the first crisis came to the surface all the weaknesses of the countries of South and revealed the true character of the Nordic countries.

The response of the North , to the call for help of the South , was not solidarity (which is a key feature of the EU) but the attempt to impose on them completely.

Austerity, fiscal consolidation, burdensome debt and slander were the “help” of the North , to the crumbling south.

Revealed the true character of the Nordic countries. Anyone who we can not win with guns conquer the economy. NORMAL WAR.

I want to emphasize here the stable position of England. Knew the real aspirations of the Germans for European domination.

The attitude of France mystifies me. How can a state that was captured twice by the Germans may not have suspected anything?

Today, that lose their economic power and begin to appear in France voices against the Germans and their projects. But it’s late because France does not have the economic power that was a few years ago.

The only EU country facing economic and political power to grow is Germany.

No decision can be taken in Brussels unless first ratified in Berlin.

High time to counterattack.

Germany’s economy relies on exports.

Enough to leave the EU all southern countries and see the complete collapse of Germany’s plans.

The war has of course losses.

Will be deprived of many the Southern countries , but will retain their INDEPENDENCE and the HOPE that in the near future they will recover quickly.

As long as we stay in the eurozone, Germany will dominate more and more, until Hitler’s dream come true.

I urge the Europeans into resistance to the plans of the Germans.

I urge the Europeans to create a compound that will dominate the transparency and its main purpose will be the welfare of the people, not of the banks and industrialists.

I urge the Europeans to honor their history.

I urge the Europeans to war against those who enslave them.

I urge the Europeans to demolish their subservient governments.

Everyone ,combatively , in the streets.

In two days is May 1. General strike.

PS 1) After the publication of the above text , I read the article of zerohedge and I give you the link:

Europe’s Other ”Union” Is Ending

PS 2) Some time ago the Spanish said to the Greeks : ” Quiet … will awaken the Greeks”. I wonder: Are we both sleeping?




Anonymous show us their true enemy.

With a 7.02 minutes duration message Anonymous made clear against whom they fight :


Listen to the video , read the text  and think seriously.

Citizens of the United States, Christians and non believers, the true enemy is dividing you. Lay your swords for a moment, and let an agreement be drawn. You are a Christian Nation, you are an non believer nation, you are a Muslim nation, you are a nation of all who believe in strength, knowledge, and in liberty. At the end of each day, no matter what you believe, we spill the same blood. We are all brother and sister, whether or not you think of each other as a sinner — we are one. You also have another aspect in common: you are slaves. You are being toyed. Your economy being sucked dry, largely at the expense of the middle and poor class. Whatever view you may have, religion is a tool for the government to keep you divided. Don’t you see. In arguing against each other over science and Intelligent design – in which every case turns out to be the same – what we don’t find in disputing with one another online and in person is productivity. What we don’t find is that most do not agree to disagree. Instead of arguing going anywhere, what we do find is people bashing themselves into an unshakable wall. We do find it is us ripping each other apart, dividing and confusing one another, we will see by setting aside our differences that it happens no more. We do find that you are shielded from realizing that we are all citizens of the United States, and we share a common ground: we are people, and we are the people; the body politic. We are sidetracked from recognizing that we all have a common enemy with a malign agenda to weaken our government — who we must fight — or that enemy will beat you to your knees. While we argue, they laugh and sip greed while your constitution is being burned to crisps, and while your government derails to greedy Zionists, you still stand divided.

Every one of you, American believers and non believers alike, the body politic, each have an enemy — a common ground. that enemy chairs what seems like an omnipotent power in your government who has been able to grip key positions in politics who control your intellectual, and spiritual lives. A power that has been able to monitor all citizens of the United States. An enemy that marries within the family to keep the wealth in the family. An enemy that Germany faced prior to world war two. An enemy who exterminated people of Middle Eastern descent to make room for an illegal nation. This enemy holds one of the top most influential lobby groups in the U.S. congress and the british parliament — eh pack: American Israel Public Affairs Committee — a lobby for a foreign nation. the ones who lock control of the wealthiest banking systems in the world, the ones who lock control of the mainstream media, the ones who elect and endorse candidates invaluable to the constitution like Mitt Romney, the ones who lock the chances of good men from earning the title President , the ones who bribe congressmen to vote on behalf of corporate interests, the ones who’ve shelved us beneath their interests, and the ones who wish to suck your idea of liberty dry.

They are the ones who pilot policemen and women to cruelly sabotage the freedoms of the American people. They are the ones who found political body guards that represent war as something to be yearned for and hence wished to bolster business. They are the ones who say that people who stand for liberty are traitors in order to eliminate their internal resistance to their criminal policy of war. They are the ones who are your common enemy. The fact they intervene with the Middle East — sending American men and women to risk their lives and their families for a war that cannot be won — and the fact the American tax payer is funding for this on any level demonstrates their concern for your life, and therefore constitutes an act of war on the American people.

The differences of believers and non believers must be withdrawn. Christians, you must realize — we are equal. And what you will find is that the evil and suffering in the world is not due to non believers, buddhists, or muslims — but a source fundamentally much closer to you — yes. Join your brothers and sisters and many in arms against Zionism, and let yourselves unite! the citizens of the United States cannot be defeated when united. Your founding fathers were a small group who set the course of change for the entire nation who compromised their differences. Let us draw swords together against your government and restore the real America. Let us fight. Zionists, greedy financial magnets and politicians locking control of the American politic — back off. Surrender the Constitution in its original form to the people. Or else this war will end in the shattering of one of the two warring parties. Eh pack may know this to be the people of the United States — but we know it to be all Zionists. We are not fucking playing.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Eh pack, wall street, and Zionists.
Expect us.

These are the results of the French elections.

In a few hours we will know the results of the first round of French presidential elections.

Hollande and Sarkozy will face each other in the second round of presidential elections.

And the winner is … Hollande !

Francois Hollande : President of France.

Hollande on his first trip as president , will visit Germany.

Merkel will congratulate Hollande.

In a joint press conference that will give , will highlight the need for closer relations between France and Germany.

It will highlight the HISTORIC FRIENDSHIP between these two countries … !


The ECB will increase rates by 0.25%.

By the 10th of June France will lose yet an A (maybe two) of  the credit standing.

The interest rates will be prohibitive for Italy and Spain.

Upheaval in the global market.

The IMF and the ECB will emphasize that Spain and Italy are too big to be rescued.

At the end of June, the markets will begin to calm down somewhat.


Begins the period of summer vacations.

Slightly markets calm.

Filled the Mediterranean coast by tourists.


Exactly the same :p


The markets are in despair.

The spreads of Spain and Italy reach 9%.

Commission and heads of state of the eurozone meet.

They decide that austerity should be continued in order to recover the budgetary of the States that have problem.

Italy and Spain must immediately make spending cuts.

The Parliaments of two countries disagree with their governments.

Government crisis in Italy. (Resignation of Monti).

Government crisis in Spain. (Resignation of Rachoi).

Hollande and Merkel meet in Brussels.

Two issues in the agenda of the discussions:

a) Immediate elimination of the Eurozone unruly countries.

b) Demolition of the Eurozone and removal of the Euro.

In a joint press conference by Merkel-Hollande will declare that France and Germany will continue to cooperate closely in ALL areas.

Say goodbye to the E.U.

Say hello to MerkHollande!

I fear what will happen after…


Do you think the above is bullshit?

Do you think we will wake up to 07/05/2012 and markets will be sheep?

Do you think that Germany will change it’s policy?


(Dedicated to those who think that elections are an expression of the will of the people).



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