09/23/2012 #Greeks protest again on #Syntagma Sq.

All governments of Greece have betrayed the people.

The result of Betrayal is the current tragic reality.

Poverty, misery, brutality , suicides.

The above compose the reality we experience.

A first attempt was made ​​last year with the ”indignants”.

Soon, however, the system managed to split the movement of indignant citizens, sowing discord and suspicion.

These days the Greek government is attacking the people, imposing cuts equal to 5% of GDP!

Never in human economic history has happent something like this.

The plan is for the Greeks to work 6 days a week until they are 67 years old with wages that are corresponding to 30% of wages in Germany.

Every day, groups of workers demonstrating in the streets their opposition to the destruction of the country.

On Wednesday, September 26 takes place ​​nationwide general strike.

Tomorrow, Sunday, September 23 we invite everyone to Syntagma Square to protest our anger and our opposition to economic measures, the rapid spread of Nazism and the violation of human dignity.(we will be there so the next day,on Monday ,will post photos and informations)

The only thing left is solidarity.

Head down to the streets and demonstrate your anger and your indignation.

We will claim our decent survival!

Greece is to blame for the Spanish crisis???


I read that in Spain they believe that Greece is responsible for all the suffering.

You haven’t understood anything!

-Spain hasn’t changed the government and placed Rachoi as prime minister, to solve the “problems” of the country?

-Spain has not been in surplus before the crisis ?

-Spain wasn’t that had less debt than Germany ?

-Spain hasn’t global economic presence (Zara, Seat etc) ?

Have you forgotten your gambling banks.

-These don’t lent huge sums without any real guarantees ?

-These didn’t nourished the housing bubble ?

-The banks didn’t pass their losses on the Spanish government ?

And what  the EU  did ?

Lent to banks with 1% interest rate.

Banks lend the Spanish state with 6.5%.

The money borrowed by the Spanish State is given to its banks in order to make the recapitalization.

And to be able to borrow Spain in favor of banks that’s why they imposed harsh austerity to the people.

You are asked to adopt the famous “minijobs”. Are Germany’s ”Minijobs” a poverty trap? 

For the evils of Spain are responsible Germany, EU and banks !

Some Greeks blame immigrants for the crisis in Greece.

Some Spanish blame the Greeks for the crisis in Spain.

Some Germans and French blame for the crisis the Greeks and the Spanish.

( Can you see now how easily we find – create enemies ? )

They say that the programs have failed because of social upheavals.

Nobody has not understood that the austerity programs have brought social unrest ?

>>>>Only if we understand the real enemy will be able to breathe.<<<<

I call on you to a coordinated uprising against the banks.

Not to be paid and damages and profits of banksters.

Do not work for the welfare of the rich.

First you need to occupy your mind.

And then occupy the banks. 





Many European publications and statements showing that Greece leaves from the Eurozone.


-Even if Greece wanted to leave Europe has no government, at this time , to do this.

-No one can expel anyone from the Eurozone.

In Greece there is a interim government.

This government is authorized to do only the June elections and nothing else. –

Greece is not going to ask itself  to leave the euro.

The other states – members can not decide the expulsion of Greece.

But they can interrupt the flow of money to Greece.

Greece then will suffer economic asphyxiation.

There will be a default both abroad and at home.

Millions of people would be pouring in the streets , burning German flags and these pictures will go around the world.

Which government, which European Commission, which Merkel will be able to face this global defamation ?????????

What will be the attitude of the Portuguese, Irish, Spanish, Italians and French in such a situation????

The whole world must understand  that the Greeks may be a small country , but the effects of a revolution by the Greeks would result in the awakening of all peoples.

The values of Europe have nothing to do with the values of banks.

As for the reinsurance of the companies , against the Greek risk ,  will have no value.

Scriptural money has nothing to do with the real.

There is not such money in the world in order to cover a massive manifestation of insecurity.

I just learned that Merkel asked the Chairman of the Greek democracy to make , alongside , the elections and a referendum for staying  or not the country in the EU.

This is the worst thing and most inelegant that could be heard at this time.

Whoever been blackmailed in such a way reacts VIOLENTLY.

This blatant intervention will have the opposite effect than expected.

The ”celebration” has just begun.

The Greeks are up in arms.

Capitalism is collapsing.

Bankers, you need to realise that  you have lost everything.





Why Germany must leave the euro…

On the occasion of tomorrow’s insert of the German magazine Der Spiegel titled “AKROPOLIS ADIEU!”  I want to say:

The relationship between Greece and the EU is a relationship of partnership.

The states make up the EU are equal, independent and prevailing.

The common currency belongs equally among all the people of the EU.

The euro is NOT the currency of the banks but the people.

Capital have not  homeland.

The policy of Germany is to save the banks and to condemn the Greeks , Portuguese , Irish , French , European citizens.

Placed a banker as prime minister of Greece and Italy.

Pressing to form government in Greece, without respecting the will of the Greek people.

With what  legitimacy a party will participate in all party government when the voters of that party gave another command ?

Would Merkel govern Germany in cooperation with the Communist Party of Germany ?


When Germany was unified, the mark rate of the western to the eastern mark was set arbitrarily at 1:1.

In fact the value of the eastern mark was ten times less (the economy is psychology).

The revival of the Fourth Reich , that they are dreaming of , it will come up side down.

The banks control everything. Do they believe that  will prevail a state to the capitalists  ?

They will become pions of copitalists.

And do not forget:

The people using the Reichstag as a parliament , even today , is characterized by the building its self and the weight of  its  history (TWO WORLD WARS!!!)



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French or Greek #elections are most significant ?

On May 6 we have elections in France and Greece.

It seems logical that the French elections are more important for the future of Europe.

France is a bigger country than Greece. Its influence is worldwide. So the economy.

The showdown Sarkozy – Hollande shows two trends of French society.

But it seems that the placing of the French people are not to accept the German plan for E.U.

The balance in Europe have been disrupted.

The policy of austerity imposed by Germany with the tolerance of France, creates serious problems for governments and people of the EU.

Currently it seems that the only care of the E.U. is the bank bailout.

The recession has been struck most countries in the Eurozone (and U.K.).

The prospect of growth has moved to the distant future.

The French center – left coalesce with Hollande , in the hope that France will be able to put new conditions in the E.U.

What we do know is that the E.U. is not an association that cares for its citizens.

The only interest of the E.U. is to strengthen the role of banks and industrial profits.

Germany’s insistence on fiscal balance and the demonization of inflation leads the people of the E.U.  in misery.

The French will vote Hollande with the hope that they will impose their position in the E.U.

No France and no Hollande will  be able to oppose Germany’s Schäuble.

There will be tactical movements and the French under the pressure of the Germans would continue their policy of Merkel – Sarkozy.

The German government spokesman said today that: “Germany has never  afraid of  Hollande.”

In Greece, the elections have completely different meaning from the French elections.

vote for parties (socialist party-right party) that support the memorandum would mean that the European internal policy will continue in the same way.

vote against of the memorandum of the parties would create two problems :

a) an internal problem in Greece.

The pressure from Germany, the E.C.B. and the I.M.F. will be unbearable for the Greek people.

Will threaten with the stop of lending , the stop of providing liquidity , even with seizures Greek assets. Will even threaten with international isolation of Greece and forced exit from the euro area.

b) an internal problem in the eurozone.

The markets will turn their backs to the euro.

Italy and Spain will not be able to get funding and will be forced to ask the help of E.C.B. and the I.M.F.

The stability of the temporary Dutch government will be incredibly difficult.

Portugal and Ireland would stop any attempt to “of fiscal consolidation”.

Cyprus will collapse under the weight of the collapse of Greece.

The eurozone will dissolve.

So , i support , that tomorrow’s elections in Greece is the most important event that has happened in Europe since 2001 , when was established the common currency.

The elections in France , the only thing that might judge , would be a change in direction of the E.U.

The elections in Greece will judge the existence of the euro.


It is no coincidence that I.M.F. and German governments have committed to the two parties that support the moratorium.

The Greeks , the last days , receiving an unprecedented propaganda attack.

The parties that support the memorandum and the media , scare us with :

-the neo-Nazi party

-the issue of AIDS

-the issue of immigrants

-the issue of continuing the payment of wages and pensions.

Yesterday , the largest daily Greek newspaper , TA NEA (in the column read more) the famous ”journalist”  Pretenteris tried to convince us that the elections in Greece DO NOT MATTER AT ALL.

He says: “… we expect a lot more changes to the data from the Hollande election rather than our own ten small negroes …” and below: “… I expect that french voters will be able to open a different perspective of addressing the problem in a European level … “

I will not dare to make predictions about the outcome of the Greek elections.

The polls, however, give 37% of the votes in ND – PASOK.

With these percentages , probably, does not formed a pleasing for the Germans and the banksters , government.

For what I wrote above , I must say that I DID NOT CONSIDER Greece as the center of the world.

I do not believe in national or geographic states.

I thought that a Europe without borders would show the way to a world without borders.

Unfortunately , the banksters and the big idea of the Germans for themselves vandalized the vision of millions of people.

As I said in the  past , I invite you to prepare your courage and your strength.

The worst is coming.



What do you know about Greeks?

These are the wages in Europe today. In Greece, however, we had a new wage cut in March. The new salary is 568 euros.

Already employers seek further cut wages by 10%.

The EU , ECB , IMF asking for 15% wage cuts , at least.

The price of gasoline is now at 1.92 euros per liter.

Me , after 26 years of work I get paid 920 euros a month. 2 years ago my salary was 1760 euro.

With these conditions the Greeks are called  to vote.

Be sure that their vote will be a protest vote.

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